If you make the world a stage for me, than I hope that you can hear me scream.

Today I had my second interview with my hopefully-soon-to-be school. I however willnot be starting in January regardless of my next (and hopefully final) interview. This was not anything I could have stopped though. The girl one appointment ahead of me got the last remaining spot. But my representative said that she was ahead in the process than me either way. I passed the "12 minute test", but the reason I'm not entirely a student yet, is FAFSA and financial aid. I did everything right, but my parents have to be involved so it complicates things. Especially with them being down south right now. But it's okay. They're doing all they can to finish everything so I will be squared away.

So as of today I have a priority spot for February 11th, 2008. That's nice. I'm setting up a third interview after Thanksgiving.

I guess I can't be rejected at this point but I could run into some money issues, but you know what it'll work out if it's supposed too. But ugh financial aid, free money jump through our hoops! As my Mom says "the government is funny like that".


Divine in the Daily EJPhotography said...

what school? what school? you're not leaving fresno are you?