1st day, job #2

Today went well, and the idea of responsibilities is surprisingly not frightening. At the moment I feel relieved to have a push in the right direction. I find myself fullfilling unsaid goals, meeting unwritten requirements. It's less alarming now, and I feel like just maybe the glimmer of hope I feel, will turn into a full fledge light of change and my life will be a little more on track.

I'm not saying I'm some horrible person or that my life is going in the "wrong direction". I just feel like in my own heart, that I'm going down a path of something I don't need. Laziness, unfullfillment, those are things I control. ME, not someone else.. not the media or the internet or anything. Those are things I allow in my life. If they make me lazy it's because I'm choosing to be that way.

I feel terrible when at the end of the day my thought is "well another day that I didn't do anything I love to do nor get anything done." That, I hope I don't have to tell myself again. One day at a time. One glimmer of hope at a time. A chance to change.

Sharing some youtube.


This woman is amazing! Her makeup tutorials are amazing, she does a great job too. Halloween is coming up so a lot of the looks are perfect, but she has some everyday make up too!

This is the look I am thinking for Halloween.. BUT there are so many.. I just can't pick!


Habakkuk 3:2

Habakkuk 3:2

LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.


According to http://en.wiktionary.org/, exhaustion can be define as "The point of complete depletion; used up; Supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy".

That is how I feel. It's not because I'm "so busy" that I don't get a second to think, it's more that I have too much time. It's not because of piling work or troublesome relationships (thankfully). But because I lack something to do.

It's because I can't seem to slow down. My mind is always wandering, and my heart beat is constantly running on fast. I've been told often that I don't know how to calm down. Right now I'm feeling it.

It's when you try to relax and the moment is perfect, but you're uncomfortable and your heart races.