
"Experiences of failure//rejection dominate your memory, and have probably resulted in a great deal of depression. These problems will remain until some definitive action is taken. In other words, this condition will not simply disappear; time alone cannot heal your pain. You need to experience deep healing in your self-concept, in your relationship with God, and in your relationship with others."

This week made this evident in my life.

I don't know what else to say.


Daniel Rhoten said...

This is exactly what I scored on my little test too. I know it can be scary - I wish they had a plan for what to do if you're in that state 'cause it can be really troubling and anxious!

I guess I'll say that it gets better.

Find someone you can really, really trust and just pour out everything inside you from time to time to them. My "person/thing" was a God-journal. I just wrote and wrote and wrote... I discovered a lot of stuff that was in me that I'd hidden away somewhere where it was really affecting my life in negative ways.

I still have a long ways to go, but my hope is in a future me, a joyful me, a fulfilled me, a healthy me.

Don't mean to sound preachy, just offering a possible way to go if you were looking.