Come and listen.

funny pictures


I'm trying to find beauty in the simple, and I find beauty is simple really. It's everywhere.

I was having a conversation with a friend about "Song of Solomon". I mentioned to him that I enjoyed the way Solomon wrote, and he said even Song of Solomon? I said yes, I said it's someone's honesty. I love honesty, no matter the subject. But honesty is also something that bruises to the core. It's like they are honestly saying you look terrible and as much as your like thanks for being honest, inside you are burning with grief at the fact that they would say such a thing! Oh what a double edge sword that one is!

We continued to talk about Song of Solomon, and both agreed that we'd understand it much better when each of us got married. It's understanding a person a certain way, taking a husband or wife, etc. For now I will appreciate it's simple beautiful honesty :)

It's almost 2AM and I'm sitting on my bed, listening to David Crowder Band. A band I have not listened to in a long time. I love them but I tired from hearing them. I am still amazed every time I hear them however. Boy do they impress me! This is completely random by the way and I had no point to it just to say that I love DCB and rediscovering them tonight was good.

At Axis we have been studying the history of Christmas. I find it absolutely fascinating. People who do not know me well, will learn that I love to study history. I am actually a declared history major. I'm not pursuing that field, but it still intrigues me like no other thing. I love knowing why, how, and when. I am bias towards Ancient history, however, and favor Egyptian history.

Anyway, learning about the people of the time makes me want to study it further. In the end it makes me want to go back to studying Latin. I'd sometime in my life like to learn French, Latin, Greek and Aramaic. I know that is a very tough goal, but it all really fascinates me, and I just want to know. Know as much as possible.

On that note, I am going to head to bed, this post is turning into a middle of the night random train of thought. :)


Divine in the Daily EJPhotography said...

do you have the latest DCB CD?

and it's good to hear you're finding the Christmas series facinating.

Divine in the Daily EJPhotography said...

i ask because the song, "The Remedy" that we've been singing at Axis is from his new CD.

oh, and i didn't get any contact information (i forgot to ask for it) from your friends... so, please tell them that i'm glad they came and they are welcome ANY time.

Daniel Rhoten said...

Bravo on your historical language quest! You know what they say about people who study history...?