Hockey, Hospitals, and mon besoin.

I guess you go through life hoping you won't have to interact with the hospital. At least that's how I feel. The few times I have been to the hospital have been brief. I can remember almost every time as well. I don't like hospital, and I don't like doctors.

Monday started out like every day, except it was a holiday. (Which is always a great feeling). By 12:30, Nathan and I were meeting a friend, John, at Target. I was going to be driving his 1972 bug, to get a feel for driving a [small] stick shift car. After test driving and lunch we decided to meet eachother at the inline hockey rink at 3. I went with Nathan and John went on his way. We were hoping to meet up with 2 or 3 other people at the rink as well.

To our surprise their was a group of probably 15 already on the rink. We would always say these were "the pros", the full gear players. Nathan decided to play with them, while waiting for John and the others. He played with them and eventually our friends showed up and we had a good size game going.

At 4:30 Nathan and another player collided. They hit each other right in the head, and due to the fact neither was wearing a helmet there was a bit of a concern. Nathan right away got off the rink, and as we sat there I looked over his face. The impact happened right above his left eye. It was evident that we needed to go to the hospital as a thumb sized dent started to form above his eyebrow. A bump maybe would not raise alarm, but this dent did. We were at the hospital by 5 and in the trauma room by 5:30.

After being examined by many a surprised doctor, and a CT scan he was demeaned okay. He fractured the bone, and it collapsed into his frontal sinuses. From what I understand, it sounded like it was the best thing that could have happened. The dent was because the sinuses were there. Almost like they caught the injury and protected his brain (as the skull was created to do).

Nathan remained calm the entire time. I could tell he was in pain, I could tell it hurt. I felt weak, I wanted to take his pain away, but I couldn't. I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what would happen. I was scared. But I remained calm, because he did. Here he is, injured and telling me it's going to be okay.

Sometimes it takes fear and pain to realize who you love, why you love them and why they love you. I was born to love him. I couldn't be more thankful for that boy.

They tell me he needs me. But I think, in that moment of fear, I realized how much I needed him too.


Divine in the Daily EJPhotography said...

It's great when 2 people need each other. there aren't many things more beautiful than that.