I love Thursdays. Maybe it's because it's my last "school" day and my weekend is Friday-Sunday. Maybe. Or maybe it's because some of my favourite (and most challenging classes) are today.
I'm so use to flying thru the assignments in 4.5 of 7 of my classes. The 2.5 that I don't are A) tennis b) Graphic Design I and for a .5 pt intro to graphic comm..
Tennis is manly (I just wrote manly on accident haha) ahem, mainly, because I have no racket control. I am a softball player. I am short but I can hit a ball. So trying to get the tennis ball not to fly across the court into the street is actually quite challenging. I hit someone last week, who was on the other side of the fence. Hey it was just a tennis ball. +shifts eyes+ oh btw.. Tennis is Mon/Wed, but still good.
Graphic Design is fun. It's from 6 - 10pm and we have usually between 2 and 3 projects per class. We've been working on one steady project for two weeks (it's once a week--on Thursday). It was a "design a logo for a state" project. In the end I finished up 2 besides the one I fancied the most. I was proud of it. I chose New Jersey if you were wondering. Why? I lived there for 9 years.
Intro to Graphics Communication. This class is fun too. It's just a step about my other intro classes, because it's challenging. It's an introduction to all the programs a person might use in this field. Today we're combining what we've made in Adobe Illustrator, the document we wrote in Microsoft Word, and a Adobe Photoshop photo of ourself into a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation. I am actually liking it. I didn't finish in class, which surprised me. I just got home and I'm going to work on it.
Ahh school.. where it's leading me I do not know but in the meantime I'm gonna enjoy it.
Btw, I bought something today! this is just awesome.
Pick of the week
It's almost that time of year for "no shopping because it's the holidays", so hey, start your Christmas List early.
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I'm so use to flying thru the assignments in 4.5 of 7 of my classes. The 2.5 that I don't are A) tennis b) Graphic Design I and for a .5 pt intro to graphic comm..
Tennis is manly (I just wrote manly on accident haha) ahem, mainly, because I have no racket control. I am a softball player. I am short but I can hit a ball. So trying to get the tennis ball not to fly across the court into the street is actually quite challenging. I hit someone last week, who was on the other side of the fence. Hey it was just a tennis ball. +shifts eyes+ oh btw.. Tennis is Mon/Wed, but still good.
Graphic Design is fun. It's from 6 - 10pm and we have usually between 2 and 3 projects per class. We've been working on one steady project for two weeks (it's once a week--on Thursday). It was a "design a logo for a state" project. In the end I finished up 2 besides the one I fancied the most. I was proud of it. I chose New Jersey if you were wondering. Why? I lived there for 9 years.
Intro to Graphics Communication. This class is fun too. It's just a step about my other intro classes, because it's challenging. It's an introduction to all the programs a person might use in this field. Today we're combining what we've made in Adobe Illustrator, the document we wrote in Microsoft Word, and a Adobe Photoshop photo of ourself into a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation. I am actually liking it. I didn't finish in class, which surprised me. I just got home and I'm going to work on it.
Ahh school.. where it's leading me I do not know but in the meantime I'm gonna enjoy it.
Btw, I bought something today! this is just awesome.
Pick of the week
It's almost that time of year for "no shopping because it's the holidays", so hey, start your Christmas List early.
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