Sticks and stones may break bones but words will never hurt me.
Has anyone ever felt like that saying is a complete sham? On the record, wouldn't you say words hurt more, by far? How many people remember someone pinching them 20 years after the fact? But... when they called them a "loser"..
These days people are so worried about their "carbon foot print". I'd like to take that a step forward and ask about our day to day attitude and the foot print that that leaves in the face of the world.
When it comes to words, body language and actions, I consider myself quite sensitive. Actually I consider myself hyper sensitive. So it comes as a surprise to most people that the very things that bother me the most, I will turn around and do. It's the idea of karma, what goes around comes around. To a degree I feel threatened by a persons behavior or idea or attitude. I have taken things too far before. It disappoints me to know that my attitude is often disappointing.
Has anyone ever felt like that saying is a complete sham? On the record, wouldn't you say words hurt more, by far? How many people remember someone pinching them 20 years after the fact? But... when they called them a "loser"..
These days people are so worried about their "carbon foot print". I'd like to take that a step forward and ask about our day to day attitude and the foot print that that leaves in the face of the world.
When it comes to words, body language and actions, I consider myself quite sensitive. Actually I consider myself hyper sensitive. So it comes as a surprise to most people that the very things that bother me the most, I will turn around and do. It's the idea of karma, what goes around comes around. To a degree I feel threatened by a persons behavior or idea or attitude. I have taken things too far before. It disappoints me to know that my attitude is often disappointing.
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